Cold Springs Ranch: Blog - The CSR Daily Edition

:{Mike} Blog - The CSR Log

This Blog will contains any information, story, life changing experiences, editorial, observations, delusions of grandeur, etc. that I want to share with everyone.



A New Place

Sunday, January 16, 2011
8:46 pm

Hello folks. Once again it has been a long, long time since I wrote here. I've been getting a lot of e-mail from you faithful folks the last little bit. Everyone wondering what happended to me and when I'm going to write again. Yep, one and half years is kinda of a long break!

Well, that's why I'm writing this entry to let you know that I have moved the blog so to speak.

In the 11 1/2 years(!) this site has existed, technolgy has moved along. When I started this site it was a place to put some photographs, and make a few comments as to what was going on in my life. Then, a couple of years later, the idea of "blogging" caught on, and I started doing it here too.

Now, blogging is a dying thing, and everyone in the world is on Facebook (500+ million users), and so am I!

The Webcam, Weather Station, old blog entries, and all my photos will remain here on this site like they have the last 11 years and far into the future. At least until this whole "web page" idea has been replaced with something better :)

So if you want to check out what's happening in my life and see the latest pics come be my friend over at Facebook.

Click my picture in the badge below, then click "Add Mike Miller as Friend" to the right of my picture in Facebook!


If you don't mind, when you send the request to be my friend, let me know you are a Cold Springs Ranch fan and I'll approve you!

If you are not yet on Facebook, sign up, it's free. 


A Great Time

Thursday July 23, 2009
6:34 pm

Hey folks. I know... it's been over a year and a half! 
Where have I been? Working my butt off.

But, the desire to start writing again has been building. And I thought it was way past time to break the drought. Maybe this will be the beginning of many more to come.

I've gotten e-mails through the months with folks asking how the dogs and I are doing. We are going good. I'm just having to work like I've never worked before, or at least not since college. In my line of work, developing software, I am literally having to hold off an army of Indians (as in India), who are fighting like mad to get my job. I am learning, thinking, writing, and fighting full blast.

But I saw something today that just made me smile. I wanted to share it. I know this is one of those things that is going to go viral. Depending on when you read this, this may be old and tired. But today it made me grin.

I've been in my share of weddings, college friends, brother, sister, even my Dad's. I've  attended quite a few for friends and family, and to help my mom who orchestrated quite a few before she passed away. I've seen first hand the stress, the disappointment, the crying, the nervousness, the sheer terror... so when I saw this video, I just enjoyed the hell out of it.

I don't know how some folks will view this video, but to me, this couple, and their friends and family, seem to know the real joy of life!

Note the shock of the attendees', the confusion, and then the sheer outbreak of joy that washes over everyone....

I found this quote  about it on the website I first viewed it on.

"Watch it. You might cry. You may get up and dance. You may break into instantaneous giggle fits. You may even be slightly horrified. But while you’re watching and tapping your feet, notice the look in the attendees’ eyes. Hear their laughs. Look at the faces of the bride and everyone else involved."


Some Of Life's Pictures

Tuesday January 1, 2008
11:59 pm

Man it's rough out tonight. It's down in the single digits as of now (7 degrees F,  -13.9 C) with the wind up to about 25 mph, and snowing it's butt off. When I last walked the dogs it looked like we had about 3 inches, but it's hard to tell with it blowing and shifting so much. A deadly night to be out side. The wind is pushing the wind chills down to -10 F (-23 C), we did not stay outside long!

Anyway, I wanted to make a quick entry tonight/morning. I wanted to get a page up on the site that I had pretty much ready back in October! It's just some random pictures out of the vault. These are just the tip of the iceberg, but I thought I would dump some of them on to the site. Here's Some Of Life's Pictures, January 1, 2008




A Christmas Card Resent

Tuesday December 4, 2007
11:56 pm

I've been getting some e-mails from folks wanting to know where they can find the Christmas video I did a few years ago. I guess it's gotten kind of buried on the web site.

You can see the page dedicated the video, where you can read about the video, see the YouTube version, or download the excellent High Definition versions by clicking here.

And for all those who just want to see the video, here it is below.

A Christmas Card resent.


Autumn Peaked

Wednesday October 31, 2007
9:33 pm

Happy Halloween everyone.

No Trick-or-Treaters out my way tonight. Although I did have some wonderful neighbors come by this evening to bring Sugar and Bandit some great doggie treats.

I wanted to make a quick entry tonight. I've been getting quite a few e-mails from folks wondering how the fall color is here, and that it appears not to have arrived at the Ranch yet. Well actually, the absolutely awesome fall color we had this year has come and gone.

The color peaked here at the Ranch back on the weekend of October 20th. Some of the trees still have a little of their color left on them, but many  have now dropped their leaves and are now in their Winter browns and grays.

It was a beautiful display this year, except for the Oaks. The Oaks follow their own clock, which was not in sync with the rest of the trees this year. They are only now turning.
Blame the appearance of no fall color, on my pathetic web cam. It just refused to display the absolutely gorgeous oranges and yellows of the Beech and Maples trees out at my gate. It skews all the colors to green, even when there is none in the view!

During the days before, during, and after the peak weekend, I had a serious case of Fall fever. I mean with scenes like the above shining out your window, how can you stay in? It was very hard to concentrate on work. I got out and hiked around the Ranch on both that Saturday the 20th, and Sunday the 21st. I took hundreds (yes hundreds!) of photographs and 1 1/2 hours of HD video!

You guys know how I am in getting picture on to this site. The last year has been pretty sparse. I'm afraid it's work before pleasure. However, I do hope to one day get some of the photos and video up on the site where you can see them. Now that winter is finally here, with it getting dark so early, maybe I will have time to work on it. I can only hope.

 A Long Dry Spell

Tuesday September 4, 2007
5:37 pm

Like the Ranch weather in the last few months, as you folks know, there has been a long dry spell in my writing. Hopefully this entry like our recent rains will finally be a break in the writing drought.

Let's see, what all has happened.... mmm....    way too much has happened to write about it all now I guess...

Many of you have written me asking about Sugar.

She is doing fine. Other than the fact that the hair hasn't grown back on her elbow, you would never know she had cancer. She's as happy, energetic, and full of life as ever.  As I write this, she and Bandit are down in the living room below me wrestling and playing.

She is such as wonderful friend and companion and I'm so lucky to have a creature like her in my life. Together with Bandit, there is never really a boring moment here at the Miller household.  

Many folks have asked about the Ranch and what's going on here.

Well, it's been a really nasty Spring and Summer here at the Ranch. The details are long, and I'll write a longer entry on it another time, but it has been one of the roughest years we've had in a long time. Starting with a brutal freeze in April and moving on to an extreme drought, everything here is stressed, man, beasts, and vegetation.... ....but like I said I'll write more about that later.

As for other goings on, well life has been running along busier than I can handle most of the time. I don't want to get into all the details, but life has been very hectic...  as I guess it is for everyone living here in the early 21st Century. But now that the summer is winding down, I hope to get back into the blogging habit again.

This entry is just to break the long dry spell.


Back Home

Monday March 19, 2007
7:49 pm

Hello everyone.

Now that corporate tax season is over, I can take a minute and catch everyone up on how we are doing.

First, let me say that Sugar is well and almost fully recovered.

After being gone for a full month, we made it back home on February 19th, the last day of Sugar's treatment. Everyone was tired and really, really glad to be home. The Ranch has never looked so good.

Sugar did really well. As the treatments went on, her skin got more and more burnt. After we passed the half way mark around treatment 5 and 6, I thought she was going to be one of those rare dogs that we were told don't have any reaction to the radiation. But, after treatment 7, she developed what looked like a really bad sunburn. At that point, it started to cause her pain and we put her on pain medications and an anti-inflammatory.

After treatment 8, it looked like a really bad sunburn on top of a really bad sunburn. Her skin was blood red. And yet, she had 3 more treatments to go.  I felt so sorry for her but knew this was for the best. We came home on the day of her 11th and last treatment. Since she was still groggy from the sedation, she slept the whole 5 hour trip home.

A few days after we got home, she developed blisters all over the area where she had received the radiation. They would break open and bleed and ooze. I'm sure it was very painful. At that point I had to finally put her collar on her to prevent her from licking the wounds. I felt so sorry for her. The doctor had warned me that this period was actually one of the most critical, since infection was the major complication of the procedure.

After about a week, the blisters started to heal. As her skin started to heal it started to peel off, just like a bad sunburn. However, unlike a normal sunburn, her hair started to come of with the skin.

Now the whole area has healed, except it's smooth skin with no hair. The doctors had warned me that this would probably happen. They also warned that the hair may come back with a different texture, and/or a different color, or it may never grow back at all. This, however, is better than not having a leg at all, which was the alternative. With any luck it will come back and be normal. She doesn't seem to mind the hair missing at all, unless I touch her with cold hands!

It has taken a long time for me to get caught up on a months worth of work, errands, and just general life things. After getting moved back in and everyone reacclimating to being home, I had to launch into preparing my corporate taxes, which took up until Wednesday night to finally complete.

So here we are, a last, back on what I hope to be a normal path...

I did get a chance to takes some pictures of Sugar and Bandit last week before it snowed again. You can see them by clicking this link, Back Home


  Sugar's Status

Sunday, February 4, 2007
9:23 pm

I finally got time to make a quick entry today. A lot of you have been writing to ask how Sugar is. She is doing Ok.

The test of the fluid in the lymph node closest to where the tumor was, came back negative. This was very good news in that it indicated the cancer had most likely not spread out past her shoulder and into her body. Because of this and the location of the tumor the CT scan was not necessary.

She is so far handling the radiation treatments Ok. She has not yet had any of the skin burns that may show up as the treatments continue. Since she has to be sedated for every treatment, she is really groggy and not herself on those days. The sedation is causing her not to have much of an appetite on those days too.  On the days in-between treatments, she seems like her normal playful and loving self.

You can check out some pictures from today on A Sunday in Auburn.


I also wanted to thank everyone for all the kind words sent after my last entry. When I wrote my last entry, I mainly wanted to let everyone know what had happened and explain why I hadn't been writing. What happened next was a little surprising. Within hours of posting the entry to the site, a flood of e-mails started. Over 300 the last I counted.

I know cerebrally that I have a lot of readers, but it doesn't seem real most of the time. This response drove home just how many people do read this blog.

Thank you all so much.  It means a lot to me.

Timber was very special creature. I will never forget him. I'm glad this site  gives me an opportunity to share our special relationship.

A lot of people sent me the story of the Rainbow Bridge. Indeed, my own Veterinarian along with a great card signed by everyone, sent me the story.  I wanted to share this story with the folks who have not read it.

Out of all the different variations I received, I like Len's version the best. It's in the form of a poem.

Enjoy and I'll write again as time will allow.


The Rainbow Bridge

inspired by a Norse legend

By the edge of a wood, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.

For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.

For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.

The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over. together.



A Hard Winter

Sunday, January 23, 2007
11:23 pm

Man oh man, it seems like a lifetime ago when I made my last entry. This Winter has been one of the hardest I've had in a while. So much has happened since I last wrote. I decided to write it all down. This entry turned out to be so big, I went ahead and gave it its own page.

This web site has always been where I let everyone know what is happening with me, so bare with me on this one. It is long and its personal. I wrote the events of the last weeks as they where revealed to me. Read the entry and you will understand why its been a Hard Winter.


My home, January 22, 2007 1:34 pm.

Previous Posts


Some Of Life's Pictures, January 1


A Christmas Card Resent, December 4
Autumn Peaked, October 31
A Long Dry Spell, September 4
Back Home, March 19
Sugar's Status, February 4
A Hard Winter, January 23

Previous Years
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Copyright 2015 Mike Miller,  All Rights Reserved    Site Last Updated: January 8, 2015