Sunday, December 18, 2005 - Scenes of Winter
Winter has been coming
on a little strong this year. But it doesn't seem to
hold us in it's grip for too long. We've had hoar frost,
snow, and wind... then it all melts.
Here are some pictures from the last
couple of weeks before Christmas.
creek on down below the house..
.. It's full of the run off from the last melting snow. I
always like to be beside this creek and just listen to it.
On this day, Hoar Frost made every twig and branch a spectacular work
of art.
Snow has been sculpted into mounds on the Hay Meadow hill.
This snow covered Hemlock stands majestic.
I decide to take a little walk down the trail
below the house that leads into the forest.
I have to be
careful when I cross the log bridge since there is no
handrail and the constant dampness and splashing of the
creek covers the bridges with ice.
Not to far down the trail there is a
huge rock cliff. In the middle of the cliff a Hemlock grows
straight out of a crevice. If you look at the tree carefully you can
tell it has had a struggle to live. At some point the tree lost what
little foothold it had and fell over. But instead of dying,
it sunk it's roots deeper into the rock and now grows
straight and tall. It's now as tall as the cliff.
The water falls below the trail are peaceful and hushed. The
snow dampens the sound of the water. A very
calming place.
I didn't know it until after I took the picture, but
there was a Cardinal in the laurel bush beside the falls. It
was hopping around the branches. When I looked at
this picture I saw that I had managed to catch a glimpse of
On this day I've been to town Christmas
shopping. On my way back up the mountain, this scene stopped me in my tracks. The clouds
are awesome. Being at this elevation the clouds are close
and seem to hurtle by.
This is near the same place I caught the ray of
sunshine in my Ray of Hope
Setting at my workstation, looking out the
window, I see the ending of another beautiful day. The sun
was strong today and melted much of the snow. But now at
this hour the snow has frozen back solid...
Time to get back to work..