Halloween Party, October 26, 2002
My family and friends had our first annual Halloween party at my
house Saturday. We had a great time. Costumes where optional and I was really
surprised how many dressed up. Everyone in my aunt Maxine's family wore a
costume. They were really great. I really did not recognize my aunt when she
came in!
We roasted hot dogs in the fire place, grilled hamburgers, had baked beans,
chips, dips, candy! My aunt brought an apple cobbler and coconut cream pie
cake. I was about to pop!
We finished off the party by watching Monsters Inc. I think everybody got a
kick out of it.
really didn't recognize my aunt Maxine when she came in. She came as Granny,
complete with snuff and spit cup. To her left is my cousin Anita as a
Maxine's whole crew that came. From left to right, Kathy, Tiffany, Adam, Anita,
and Maxine.
sister Leisa having a good time. We are all laughing at the costumes.
friend Debra and her family came. Here is Debra and here daughter Stephanie
Stephanie came as a Devil. Debra said I all she did was uncover her real
group photo of almost everyone that wore a costume. I'm in this photo too! I am
the black Ringwraith (from Lord of the Rings) in the middle.
Close up of Maxine and her daughter Kathy the Klown.
Leisa just laughing at everyone and taking pictures for everyone else.
Me as
a Ring Wraith....
coming after the camera.
Everybody telling me I should go walking down the road off the mountain
dressed like this!
Dad and Carol Ann are checking out my bloody sword.
carved a Jack-O-Lantern for the party.
did a wolf for me.
Leisa is sticking her tongue out at me to make me quit filming her. Of
course that dosn't work!
Everybody has left. We are definitely going to have to do this again next